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Schneider Foundation's 'Dollars for Doers' Program Rewards Associates Who Give Back to the Community

Dollars for Doers
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By LuEllen Oskey

The Schneider Foundation’s mission is to be a positive force for change in the communities in which our associates live and work. One way we do that – and probably what gets the most attention – is to provide direct funding grants to charitable and nonprofit organizations.

However, positive change also comes about when individual associates donate their time and talents to nonprofit organizations near-and-dear to them. Taking the time to volunteer for a cause is one of the ways to give back to the community and demonstrate what it means to Live Orange; the Schneider Foundation supports associates in this important work through the “Dollars for Doers” program.

The way it works is really very simple: through the Dollars for Doers program the Schneider Foundation will make a donation of $250 on behalf of any associate (full- or part-time) who volunteers 50 hours or more to eligible organizations throughout a year. That’s it. Give your time, get a donation.

Eligible organizations are simply those that provide services in the associate’s area and are tax exempt under Section 501(c)3. There are only a few entities that are ineligible, like religious or political groups and private foundations or individuals – and, of course, any organization whose mission conflicts with our policies. You can volunteer all 50 hours at one organization – or you can work with several organizations for varying amounts of time – as long as the total adds up to 50 hours.

By completing one simple form, associates can earn $250 for an organization in which they already have a vested interest. When I talk to associates about the program, I always say, “You’re already giving your time – why not make even more of it by taking advantage of the ‘Dollars for Doers’ program? It’s so easy!”

Since the program’s inception, we have donated approximately $72,000 to hundreds of organizations who in turn have used those funds to improve the lives of others. The program runs from December through November – so we are in the process of reviewing the final submission forms for this year right now.

‘Dollars for Doers’ is just one of the seven ways to give back to the community through the Schneider Foundation, but it’s one of the most important because it encourages and inspires associates to take action and live out their principles by taking the time to work for charities that matter to them – and the community overall.

What ways to give back to the community or charities are most important to you?

About the author
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LuEllen Oskey, Schneider Director of Executive Administration, began her Schneider career in 1978 and has since gained more than 40 years of experience in operations, customer service and human resources. She also serves as a chairperson for the Schneider Foundation. Oskey’s community involvement includes serving as a member of the Board of Directors for the Meyer Theatre, CP Center, Bellin College Board of Trustees and the Endowment Advisory Board for Pilgrim Lutheran Church.

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