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Top 7 commonly asked behavioral-based interview questions

You should expect to answer commonly asked behavioral-based interview questions in both phone and in-person interviews.
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By Ashley Wesener

What questions do employers ask in interviews? This is something I get asked as a Corporate Recruiter.

Whether it is a phone or an in-person interview you have coming up, you can typically expect to be asked a wide range of behavioral-based interview questions.

Articulating your previous experiences and skills is the key to answering behavioral-based interview questions. It is extremely important to think about your real-life examples and how you can translate them into answers as you prepare for your upcoming interview.

What are behavioral-based interview questions?

Behavioral-based interview questions focus on how you handled various work situations in the past. Your responses will reveal your skills, abilities and personality.

Employers ask these types of questions to ensure you will be a strong fit in the company and team culture, as well as having the necessary skills needed for the role.

7 examples of top behavioral-based interview questions:

Below you will find several examples of what behavioral-based interview questions are. Keep in mind, details are key, but try to keep your answers concise versus being long-winded:

  1. Tell me about a time when you were working with someone who was not giving 100 percent in their role, and how did you have that discussion? What was the outcome?
  2. Give me an example of a time that you went above and beyond what was expected in the workplace.
  3. How do you stay organized when you have multiple tasks you need to complete that are time-sensitive in a day?
  4. Tell me about a time you displayed exceptional customer service.
  5. How would you describe your leadership style?
  6. What types of things have you done in a work setting to promote a positive environment?
  7. Give me an example of a time where you had to approach your supervisor with a problem, and what was the outcome of that conversation?

How to prepare for behavioral-based interview questions:

1. Really take time to prepare.

You want to go into your interview with many examples to ensure you are concise and invested time to do great.

You do not want to stumble through your answers or make up answers as you go. Employers will see through that, and it can impact your consideration for the role negatively.

2. Think about specific real-life examples.

Remember, it is always important to go into your interview with specific examples that you have experienced personally.

Think about school projects you have been a part of, team events, sports or work-specific examples. Consider situations where you need to overcome an obstacle and how you did that.

What specifically did you do?

3. Formulate your own questions before the interview.

Ensure you go into your interview with questions around expectations of the role to solidify it meets your needs.

Ask about what a typical day looks like in the role or what the interviewer enjoys most about the company. You want to leave your interview with full knowledge of what the role entails and confidence that the role you are interviewing for is the right match for you.

If you are looking for some question ideas, check out the top five questions I get from candidates I interview for roles at Schneider: Commonly asked questions in Schneider interviews blog.

How to have a successful interview:

Being able to communicate clearly and answer questions is the key to a successful interview. Be yourself, show who you are and go in to sell your skills.

If you do these things, you will have the confidence needed to complete a triumphant interview.

In need of more tips for your upcoming interview?

Check out all our office-related blogs. We have advice about what not to do in a job interview, tips to conquer your job interview and more.

About the author
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Ashley is a Senior Campus Recruiter who started her journey at Schneider in 2015. Over the years, she has been involved in many special projects and operating plans that have helped the company's recruiting efforts. Ashley also oversees Schneider's Summer Internship Program: She enjoys working with colleges and students all over the country! Outside of work, Ashley is very busy attending her four children's sporting events and activities. She also loves biking, gardening and going on supper club dates with her husband.

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